
Founded in 2002, the association has its headquarters in the Pianoro Museo di Arti e Mestieri (arts and trades museum). The association promotes participation of its members in activities of research, recovery and preservation of cultural assets, and in particular tools, relics and work equipment used in the area of Vallate del Savena, Setta, and Idice in the lost farming and artisanal tradition. This research and study activity is to be conducted with the participation of young people, especially from school.The aim is to rediscover the roots, traditions and cultural identities of the Pianoro area. Since 2007, by virtue of an agreement with the Pianoro Public Administration, the association has been managing the Pietro Lazzarini arts and trades museum, whose main goals include the promotion and enrichment of the Pietro Lazzarini collection, which is accommodated in the museum. The association offers a teaching service for children and adults and proposes various initiatives to rediscover the cultural identity of the district.