
In 2002, thirteen parents with disabled children set up Fondazione Dopo di Noi Bologna to provide an answer to their most pressing concern: “What will happen to our children after we are gone?” Since that time the foundation has supported more than 500 families, offering the sensitivity and professional skills needed to face the many problems that the “after we are gone” scenario elicits. “Where will they live? Who will look after them? Who will manage the savings we will leave?” All questions that call for consistent and interconnected answers. Fondazione Dopo di Noi guides families in the gradual creation of a “life project” for their disabled family member, following all aspects, from care to legal and economic matters. When necessary, the foundation carries out projects for alternative accommodation with respect to the parents’ home, always promoting collaboration between the family, public institution and private sector social structure.
The activities concern three main areas:
• Living outside the home
• Personalised journeys and support for parents
• Consultancy and legal information