
In partnership with Marchesini Group and other industrial concerns in the Bologna area, the Cattaneo Institute has created the research project entitled “Il Lavoro del Futuro” (jobs of the future). This is a socio-economic study designed to map out the current trend of jobs and the professions in the province of Bologna. The survey takes a close look at the effects on jobs of robotics and automation, dynamics that influence (and will influence) evolution of the skills required from the working population. The changes taking place in the world of work will have occupational and social repercussions on the global level, but it will be the responsibility of each local area to respond to the challenges of the change with adequate training to meet new occupational needs. The local sphere can be decisive in directing the renewal and ensuring that local industry and services do not remain excluded from the emerging revolution. On the one hand, “Il Lavoro del Futuro” analyses the direction that the Bolognese business system is taking and, on the other, if and how the training world is preparing for and adapting to the evolution of work. The most significant aims of the research project include that of identifying which skills and professions will still be required in the future and which will be lost, which new skills will be required, and which sectors, products and services will tend to grow. This initial information will make it possible to identify training itineraries capable of building suitable professional skills to meet emerging occupational demands. The long term aim of the researchers is to transform “Il Lavoro del Futuro” into an enduring observatory, under the auspices of the Cattaneo Institute, which provides a reference framework for the development of manufacturing activities in Bologna and Emilia-Romagna. Apart from providing a strategic vision, the research carried out by the Cattaneo Institute may be useful for the planning requirements of the various organisations and institutions involved.