
Sport 2000 offers activities for all ages: from baby swimming courses (0-3 years) to independence exercises for seniors. Training courses organised: swimming (infants, children, adults, people with disabilities, pregnant women), water gymnastics, fitness, volleyball, tennis. Summer Centres are held every year for more than 200 young people. The courses are held in various sports centres in the municipality of Pianoro and other districts. In addition to the courses, the association organises sports activities (swimming, volleyball, and tennis) for more than 200 young people. For several years the association has been holding swimming courses for disabled people, children, and adults. This project, called Acqua senza Frontiere, is extremely expensive to run due to the one-on-one lessons. However, it offers the opportunity for even the most disadvantaged people to experience the benefits of motor activities in water. There is also a project that is run jointly with the local health authority, offering rehabilitation for sufferers of Parkinson’s disease and those afflicted with low back pain with sciatica.