
For more than 50 years WeWorld has been engaged in Italy and worldwide to ensure that the fundamental rights of all human beings, especially women and children, are recognised and respected, opposing
poverty, violence and injustice, and promoting sustainable and lasting human development pathways while respecting the environment. It reaches 7.2 million direct beneficiaries in 27 countries with 158 active
projects, thanks to the work of 1,688 professionals and volunteers and the support of 30,000 donors and 13 main partner companies. With 111 emergency and development projects in the south of the world, the actions of WeWorld are diversified based on the specific context of the community and area in which it operates: the endemic problems of perennial war, displacement and forced migration in the Middle East; the Libyan detention
centres; drought, ethnic conflicts, organised crime and Jihadi terrorism in Africa; violence in South America; food and climate crises in Haiti and Guatemala; people smuggling and child brides in Asia. The commitment
of the organisation involves guaranteeing the right to water, food, health and education and the dignity of each individual. It provides consolidated support for sustainable socio-economic development, reinforcing
the capacity of the most fragile parties and opposing the causes and effects of climate change and it is among the primary international actors providing aid in response to emergencies.
In Italy, We World is active with social programmes providing direct help to fight violence against women and educational poverty, especially in the suburbs of big cities such as Milan, Turin, Rome, Naples, Caserta,
Palermo and Cagliari. It also provides support for transient migrants at Ventimiglia. The association also conducts activities of Education for Global Citizenship and Awareness by organising festivals, debates, advocacy, fundraising and communication campaigns on a large number of the key topics of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, reaching more than 3 million people in Italy and Europe.