
The Marchesini Group’s Code of Ethics was officially adopted on January 1, 2016. It embraces a set of principles and behaviors aimed at preserving safety, freedom, and human dignity as established by law. The Code was designed to stimulate the company’s responsible growth, to reaffirm the centrality of the value of people, respecting their rights, expectations, and needs. Among its pillars are also sustainable development and the responsible use of resources.
The Group is engaged in numerous activities to prevent and reduce environmental impact, such as the responsible use of raw materials, optimization of logistic flows, and waste management. Within the social dimension of its business, the Marchesini Group reiterates its commitment and responsibility towards its collaborators, customers, and all the people who are part of the local communities in the territories where it operates.
The Group has built its history and success thanks to the ability to transmit values, experience, and attachment to the company to new collaborators, generation after generation; all elements that constitute its identity. Starting from the belief that its reputation in the world also strongly depends on corporate ethics, the commitment to ensure integrity, legality, transparency, and respect is renewed every day.
All individuals working or collaborating with the Marchesini Group are called upon to observe the Code of Ethics in the exercise of their functions and responsibilities. Their firm belief in operating in the interest of the Marchesini Group cannot in any way justify actions contrary to these principles.
Compliance with all the laws, directives and regulations applicable in the various geographical contexts in which the Marchesini Group works is an essential condition for every action, operation and negotiation undertaken. Breaches of law and current regulations, in any country in which the Group works, are not admitted in any way.
Following the Antitrust provisions, the Marchesini Group promotes integrity and fair play between the parties in reaching challenging objectives and new goals.
In fact, the Marchesini Group does its very best to contrast all forms of corruption aimed at gaining undue advantages, whether this involves Private Individuals, relations with Public Administrations and Public Individuals (toward whom utmost transparency and integrity must be assumed).
Our People, thanks to their passion and their enthusiasm, are the stronghold of the Marchesini Group. Therefore, our respect toward them and their well-being, as well as safeguarding diversities, is a constant commitment of the Group. An interesting, encouraging, friendly and collaborative workplace improves the performance of every work team and of the Marchesini Group on the whole.
Compliance with all the laws, directives and regulations applicable in the various geographical contexts in which the Marchesini Group works is an essential condition for every action, operation and negotiation undertaken. Breaches of law and current regulations, in any country in which the Group works, are not admitted in any way.
Following the Antitrust provisions, the Marchesini Group promotes integrity and fair play between the parties in reaching challenging objectives and new goals.
In fact, the Marchesini Group does its very best to contrast all forms of corruption aimed at gaining undue advantages, whether this involves Private Individuals, relations with Public Administrations and Public Individuals (toward whom utmost transparency and integrity must be assumed).
The Marchesini Group sustains its reputation also by informing the market about the facts concerning the Group’s management in a transparent and complete way.
The way of doing business is deeply connected to promoting a sustainable growth, with particular reference to safeguarding the environment and the bond to the social contexts in which the Group works.
Confidential information concerning the Group, or rather all the information that cannot be published by law, is a fundamental asset of the Marchesini Group.
For this reason, the Recipients have the duty to behave carefully and responsibly in managing corporate information; they shall respect the rules of the Group to avoid revealing information within the company and thus to protect it from outsiders. Confidential information and documentation can only be revealed outside the company if explicitly authorised.
The Marchesini Group forbids the use of confidential information, be it within the Group or outside, for purposes that have nothing to do with the specific function, as well as issuing false or misleading information.
Confidential information concerning the Group, or rather all the information that cannot be published by law, is a fundamental asset of the Marchesini Group.
For this reason, the Recipients have the duty to behave carefully and responsibly in managing corporate information; they shall respect the rules of the Group to avoid revealing information within the company and thus to protect it from outsiders. Confidential information and documentation can only be revealed outside the company if explicitly authorised.
The Marchesini Group forbids the use of confidential information, be it within the Group or outside, for purposes that have nothing to do with the specific function, as well as issuing false or misleading information.
The selection and qualification of Suppliers and Trading Partners, as well as the definition of the purchase conditions of merchandise and services, must be guided by criteria of competition, objectivity, decency, impartiality, honesty of price and quality of the merchandise and/or service. The choice of suppliers and trading partners for the Marchesini Group is a fundamental element, also to guarantee the innovation and supremacy of its production process and commercialisation of its products. The Suppliers and the Trading Partners of the Marchesini Group utilise operational solutions that comply with law and current standards and, more generally speaking, with the principles of safeguarding People, the health, safety of workers and the environment. The Marchesini Group expects its Suppliers to respect these principles. Where appropriate, based on the quality and quantity of the order placed and on the risk level of the specific case involved, the Group may carry out audits at the suppliers’ premises; it also has the faculty to continue the relationship according to such mandatory values and in compliance with legislative provisions and standards accordingly.
The selection and qualification of Suppliers and Trading Partners, as well as the definition of the purchase conditions of merchandise and services, must be guided by criteria of competition, objectivity, decency, impartiality, honesty of price and quality of the merchandise and/or service. The choice of suppliers and trading partners for the Marchesini Group is a fundamental element, also to guarantee the innovation and supremacy of its production process and commercialisation of its products. The Suppliers and the Trading Partners of the Marchesini Group utilise operational solutions that comply with law and current standards and, more generally speaking, with the principles of safeguarding People, the health, safety of workers and the environment. The Marchesini Group expects its Suppliers to respect these principles. Where appropriate, based on the quality and quantity of the order placed and on the risk level of the specific case involved, the Group may carry out audits at the suppliers’ premises; it also has the faculty to continue the relationship according to such mandatory values and in compliance with legislative provisions and standards accordingly.
The Recipients must avoid and report any situations and/or activities that could lead to conflicts of interest or that could interfere with their ability to take impartial decisions in safeguarding the interests of the Marchesini Group.
More generally speaking, when maintaining relations with third parties, the Recipients must act correctly and transparently, with the explicit prohibition to offer undue favours, to act collusively or to press for personal advantages or advantages for others.
We are convinced that, not only can business be done respecting the environment and the social context in which we work, but this is actually a fundamental factor for our competitiveness and lasting solidity.
This is why the Group encourages sustainable development, favouring initiatives aimed at safeguarding the environment, energy efficiency and sustaining research of production and distribution technologies that have a low impact on the environment.
The Marchesini Group respects all the standards on safeguarding the environment. It avoids environmental pollution in the form of unlawful emissions into the air, the water, the ground and the subsoil, but also excessive noise and, above all, improper management of waste. It avoids mixing waste, only entrusts waste disposal to authorised and competent companies and manages the related documentation proficiently.
The Marchesini Group safeguards the psychological-physical well-being of its People, aiming at a balance between their work needs and their personal and family needs. We forbid any form of violent or harmful behaviour toward the dignity of People.
Contributing in improving the quality of life of its People is a way to transmit a sense of being a part of the Group and this makes the Marchesini Group not just a simple Organisation, but an Organisation made up of People for the People.
The Marchesini Group promotes social and beneficial measures and services and initiatives that have a real impact on the life of its workers.
In observing current standards, the Marchesini Group prevents the use of its economic-financial system for money-laundering purposes and for financing terrorism (or any other form of criminal activity) by its Customers, Suppliers, Employees and the counter-parties with whom it does business.
The Marchesini Group meticulously verifies the information available on all the counter-parties in order to ensure their respectability and the legitimacy of their activities before commencing any form of business relations with them.
Donations must be allocated to recipients whose goals do not contradict the principles of the Code of Ethics. In all cases, such transactions must be traceable. The decisions must be transparent, starting from the choice of the beneficiaries through to the receipt of the gift or donation by the third party. It is explicitly forbidden to allocate contributions to political parties or their representatives or to associations for which conflicts of interest could arise.
When choosing third parties for sponsorships and partnerships, the Marchesini Group promotes activities that are in line with the Group’s mission or in any event with the principles of its Code of Ethics.
In no way may the donations, sponsorships or partnerships be used by the recipients for corruptive purposes: such activities must not indeed be carried out to obtain undue advantages from others who are directly or indirectly connected to their recipients.
When maintaining relations with Customers, Suppliers and third parties in general, it is forbidden to offer and accept money, gifts or benefits, even as a personal gift, with the aim to obtain undue advantages of any kind that go against their official duties or that somehow breach a standard.
Acts of commercial courtesy toward third-parties, likewise for those received, are admitted provided they are of moderate value and, in any event, they do not compromise the integrity and the reputation of the company and do not influence the independent decision of the recipient.
Any form of corruption toward third-parties, be they private or public bodies, is explicitly forbidden, because it is totally in contradiction with the Group’s culture.
One of the fundamental assets of the Marchesini Group is its know-how and its intellectual property rights, which it owns, with particular reference to brands, products, software and production processes. The Marchesini Group works diligently to safeguard this. It is indeed forbidden to use any means protected by the rights of others without appropriate authorisation or in violation of the terms stated by the authorisation itself.
The Marchesini Group maintains relations with several Public Institutions with utmost transparency, clearness and honesty, in such a way as not to induce partial, falsified, deceptive and misleading interpretations.
Considering the confidential and delicate nature of the relations with such bodies, only the People who have been appointed accordingly are allowed to maintain relations with Public Institutions.
The Marchesini Group guarantees that any acquired personal information is protected appropriately according to the terms stated by standard, avoiding improper or unauthorised use, to safeguard the dignity, image and privacy of every person inside and outside the Group.
Personal information is processed lawfully and correctly. Personal information is collected and stored only if it is required for certain, explicit and legitimate purposes. Data are kept just for the time required for such purposes and no longer.
As a Global entity, the Marchesini Group believes in the strategic importance of being able to comprehend the different cultural schemes of the places in which it works, analysing their identity, relational and communicative orientations. The Group strives to remain open to new viewpoints and to different ways of thinking and to intending the professional and personal experience, styles of leadership, cultural contexts and various other differences.
The Marchesini Group encourages favourable workplaces for the various cultures and transversal collaboration, being a fundamental factor of its competitive advantage.
The Marchesini Group ensures the same opportunities of growth and career to men and women alike, aware that the differences of genre are a way of acquiring competence, capabilities and different styles within each team.
The Marchesini Group strives to diffuse and consolidate a culture of safety, by developing the awareness of the risks involved, encouraging responsible behaviour by all workers and working to preserve their health and safety, above all through preventative actions. We aim to protect our People by safeguarding them and promoting a workplace where
health and morals are protected without unlawful pressure or discomfort.
IT tools are crucial for research, innovation and excellence, in terms of the quality of the product and the service offered to the Customer.
To promote the name of the Marchesini Group and its products, and to establish a direct communication line with Customers, the Marchesini Group uses the social networks as a simple and straightforward means of exchanging information and constructive discussions. Considering the enormous reflection and reputational impact that any information or opinions expressed in these contexts may have, it is recommended to be very careful in assessing the contents and material to be published via digital means of communication.
The Marchesini Group explicitly forbids the use of computer systems or social networks that could represent a breach of current laws or that could offend the freedom, integrity and dignity of People, especially minors, or that could lead to unauthorised intrusions or damages to the computer systems of others.
Relations with the press and the media must be maintained only with explicitly appointed People, in compliance with the procedures or regulations implemented by the Marchesini Group. Communications outside the company must be true, honest, transparent, and cautious and must aim at publishing the policies, programs and projects of the Group.
Relations with the Media must be carried out in compliance with law and the Code of Ethics with the aim of safeguarding the Company’s good name.
Those who work for the Marchesini Group must carefully and diligently use the Group’s systems according to current procedures and shall avoid, in particular, any improper use that could cause damage to or contradict the interests of the Group.
Every person is responsible for protecting not only the systems entrusted to them but also for contributing in protecting the whole patrimony of the Group generally speaking.
The Marchesini Group believes it is important to develop a culture of in-house control and risk management that favours knowledgeable decisions and safeguards the corporate patrimony, the efficiency and effectiveness of the company processes, the safety of products, the reliability of financial information, the observance of laws, directives, standards and regulations, as well as the company statute and in-house procedures.
To pursue such targets, the Marchesini Group has set up some tools, activities, procedures and organisational structures aimed at allowing the identification, measurement, management and monitoring of the main risks to which the Group is exposed. All the Recipients must guarantee utmost collaboration toward in-house functions and independent Bodies appointed to verify the effectiveness of the control system itself.
The People of the Marchesini Group are professional, knowledgeable and competent people who are often the subject of interest of external Bodies such as Schools, Universities, Research Institutes, Industrial Associations and Local functional and territorial Bodies.
The company encourages and valorises this process of knowledge sharing and distinguishes between the two different cases:
a) Nominations, roles and offices outside the Company, be they gratuitous or upon payment, to be fulfilled during working hours: in these cases, with the exception of any laws and relations with the workers’ representatives, such work is authorised by the General Management after the functions in charge have assessed its nature and connection to the corporate brand.
b) Nominations, roles or offices outside the Company, be they gratuitous or upon payment, to be fulfilled after working hours: such activities can be carried out provided they are not in any way connected to the Group’s brand.