
To ensure the attainment of these ambitious goals, the Group is working to ensure continuous improvement of the reliability, safety and innovation of its offering of products and services, by means of careful vetting of vendors, ongoing high R&D investment levels, and adoption of sales strategies aimed at expansion in advanced sectors and strategic markets, both on the domestic market and internationally.
Our innovative thinking is actually the main reason for our competitive edge. According to the latest figures from Italian standards office ISTAT, spending on in-house R&D (using the company’s own personnel and equipment) has followed an upward trend to reach 1.38% of Italian GDP, versus a Eurozone average of 2.15%.
Marchesini Group is convinced of the positive trade-off, all things being equal, between EBIT, returns on R&D spending, and sales, this condition being confirmed also by the European Commission. The most forward looking companies operating in high innovation intensity sectors are seeing sales growth once they start to up their R&D spending.
To produce single packaging machines and lines offering higher production efficiency and simultaneously assuring safe simplification of each stage of the packaging process is Marchesini Group’s main objective in the area of innovation, focused on creating technological solutions that can not only continuously improve production performance and machine reliability, but also simplify operator activities to guarantee health and safety in the workplace. This is why a high level of attention is focused on intuitive use, ergonomics, and noise reduction. The exceptional level of integration between mechanical parts, electronics and software makes Marchesini machines “smart” and “collaborative”.
In 2019, Marchesini Group invested around 39 million euro in R&D, corresponding to 8.8% of generated value.
Corporate governance is controlled by the Board of Directors.
For operational management of the processes, the Board of Directors is supported by management organised as shown below as of 1 January 2019:
Governance priorities include a commitment to transparency, a hallmark feature of Marchesini Group that is integral with and complementary to its daily operating activities.
And rather than treating commitments as simply written statements of intent, Marchesini Group proves its conviction with tangible actions, while business transparency is translated into comprehensive and truthful communications towards the company’s internal counterparties and external stakeholders.
This culture of business transparency cannot be detached from other commitments characterising the Marchesini ethos, namely a commitment to normative compliance, prevention of occupational risk, always working in an ethical and fair manner, and a commitment to protecting the environment, in terms of production processes and products.
All these aspects are fundamental for the Group and have been formally acknowledged in the Group Code of Ethics (link to Code of Ethics section).
Governance priorities include a commitment to transparency, a hallmark feature of Marchesini Group that is integral with and complementary to its daily operating activities.
With an export share that stands constantly at around 85% of sales, Marchesini Group is a business with a strong international vocation. In order to embrace this role and consolidate its worldwide presence, from its early years of operation, Marchesini has focused on creating a capillary sales network also beyond the shores of Italy.
Today, the Group sells its products in 116 countries worldwide and is present in 68 countries with 14 subsidiaries in reference markets and a network of 35 sales agencies that have grown side by side with the company, thus underscoring its intention to work alongside its customers on a daily basis.
As from 2019, Marchesini Group decided to draft the Group consolidated financial statements in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted on the European level to guarantee comparable and high quality accounting records. The data given refer to Marchesini Group S.p.A.’s consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2019.
Marchesini Group S.p.A. generated value, which totalled around 443 million euro in 2019, up by 1% compared to 2018, is calculated on the basis of GRI Standards. Of this amount, 82 million euro (-20%) was withheld by the parent company, while 361 million euro (+7%) was distributed to the key stakeholders in accordance with the following breakdown: