
The Marchesini Group will present its new logo during Pharmintech (10-12 April) and during the Open Factory event (9-12 April). The new logo is lighter than the original one, which was a circle with the logos of the first companies to join the Group and some drawings linked to the world of packaging and mechanics, but also more slender than the logo of the last twenty years.
The design studio Hibo created the new lettering, removed the wording “Building Efficiency” and the outline around the initials M and G. This contour was added in the 80s to surround the logos of the many companies acquired and to confer a sense of belonging to the parent company. Today, thanks to the strong identity and to the highly recognisable and well-known values of the Group, the logo no longer needs an “enclosure” and has been turned into a more modern and open structure: the type of evolution that reflects that of the company itself, highlighting strong growth in organisation making it even more dynamic and active alongside its customers.